
Two months until the Poznań Economic Congress!

In exactly two months, the Poznań Economic Congress will begin. This, an unprecedented event that brings together discussions about the future of Poznan, Wielkopolska, Poland in economic, environmental, technological and even geopolitical terms.

The event will take place on September 28-29 in the spaces of Novotel Centrum Poznań and will bring together 150 panelists for more than 20 panel discussions and debates. The organizers expect about 1,500 participants.

The program of the 2nd edition of the Congress will feature panels on the entire spectrum of the most important topics for Polish society and economy. These include such debates as: “Poland’s energy future. What will ensure our security and modernity?”, “Economy and Global Affairs. Challenges facing Poland, Europe and the world.” or “Poland – England – Ukraine. A new alliance in times of unrest.” Some of the panels will be held in English.

“We are very excited to invite you to the second edition of the Poznań Economic Congress,” – says Jan Zujewicz of the Poznań Institute, organizer of the Congress. “The first edition last year showed that such an event is needed in Poznań – it was attended by more than 1000 participants. We will soon reveal the secret and present the first panelists,adds Zujewicz.

Congress will start in 56 days
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