
PKG2022 the event of the year of Wprost’s Eagles

The Poznań Economic Congress was the winner of this year’s special prize of Wprost’s Eagles 2023 of the Wielkopolskie Voivodeship in the category ‘EVENT OF THE YEAR’.

The award gala took place on 28 April at the Sheraton Hotel in Poznań. The award was received on behalf of the Poznań Institute by Jan Zujewicz – Founder of the Foundation.

As one can read on the website: “Wprost” Eagles is an award for those who make a special contribution to the development of the economy, region and country. Those who take care of the Republic of Poland on a daily basis, not only in great works and deeds, but in seemingly minor decisions and actions, which in everyday struggles create the shape of today’s Poland.

The symbol of the award is a statuette with the symbol of the White Eagle. It is a reference to the exceptional distinction received by the publisher of “Wprost”, Michał Maciej Lisiecki, from the Institute named after President Ryszard Kaczorowski, for proving in his everyday activities that, while running a business, one can carry the white and red flag high, be a patriot and act for the benefit of Poland.”

We are immensely pleased with this award. The appreciation of our work gives us the strength to make this year’s Poznań Economic Congress 2023 an even better event.

Fot. Piotr Woźniakiewicz, Jan Zujewicz

Congress will start in 56 days
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